Please find below a list of all petitions or charging instruments filed and processed
in Harris County District
Courts today,
Tuesday, February 18, 2025. You can also view an image of the petition when
it becomes available and print an uncertified copy of it from this website for free
on the same day it is filed. Please note that unverified images will contain an
"Unverified Copy" watermark. Once verified, the "Unverified Copy" watermark will
disappear. A certified, verified copy of the document may be printed through our
"Search our Records and Documents" tab on our main website, but an uncertified verified
copy may still be printed on this page at no cost on the same day it is filed. Petitions
filed on prior days will still be available for printing at no cost on this page
ONLY UNTIL they are verified, at which time the images will be removed from this
page and may be accessed through our "Search our Records and Documents" tab on our
main website.
Pursuant to the Texas Family Code, Family District Court Cases may not be displayed
for up to 30 days.
We hope that this free service will provide equal, non-exclusive, and public same-day
access for all to petitions or charging instruments filed in Harris County District
Courts. Our office is at your fingertips.
Click to see Available Case Types.