How long before I see my refund check?
Refunds are processed at the end of each month. You should expect to receive your refund check six to eight weeks from the end of the month in which the refund was processed. Credit Card refunds take approximately 7 business days to be credited back to the card.
What do I need to do to get my Excess Proceeds released from the courts?
If Excess Proceeds can be paid, we must have a signed court order. The payee’s name, address, and the amount of money to be released, must also be provided. Once the court order is signed, it takes approximately 4-6 weeks for the money to be refunded.
How can I redeem a return item?
Once you have been contacted about an insufficient check, you can immediately redeem the check with two money orders or cashier’s checks: One for the amount of the check and another for the bank service fee of $30.00.
Cash payments must be made in person at the Accounting Department: (which is also the Passport and Court Registry Section):
201 Caroline, Suite. 170
Houston, Texas 77002
If I am currently unable to write checks at your office, how do I get those privileges reinstated?
You must wait two years for consideration to be taken off the Returned Item checklist. Your request for reinstatement must be made in writing and your file will be reviewed. A determination letter will be sent to you following your request.
What type of funds can be deposited into the Court Registry?
By order of the court, the registry may take in the following:
- Awarded funds for a minor child to be held in trust until the child reaches the age of 18, or until further order of the court.
- Funds deposited that are currently in dispute by two or more parties
- Cash bonds posted with the Civil or Family courts
- Personal property
I am currently receiving aid from the Department of Health and Human Services and I must provide documentation stating that I do not have access to the funds in the registry. How do I request this kind of documentation?
You may contact us at
(832) 927-5670 to request a letter to be mailed to you or directed to the investigator at the department of Health and Human services.
How do I update my address with your office?
Write a brief letter notifying our office of your new address or you may fill out the
"Court Registry Change of Address Form" and mail to:
Harris County District Clerk
ATTN: Court Registry
P.O. Box 4651
Houston, TX 77210-4651
You may also fax the letter to
(832) 927-0133.
I have funds in the registry and I am about to turn 18. How do I withdraw the money?
The registry must have a signed court order to release the funds. An order can be prepared through our office or by an attorney.
Once I have applied to withdraw funds, how quick is a check issued?
Once a complete application has been submitted to our office, we prepare the order and send it to court for the judge to sign. The usual timeframe is approximately 4-6 weeks, depending on the court's schedule.
I received a call stating that I have unclaimed money with the State Comptroller’s Office that was from the Harris County District Clerk’s Office. Why were my funds transferred and how can I retrieve them?
Unclaimed funds are subject to escheatment to the state. You may claim your money from the
State Comptrollers Unclaimed Property Division. Tendered money may require further court action to determine who may claim the funds. For further information and assistance, you may contact the State Comptroller’s Office: 1-800-654-3463 or email them.
Comptroller of Public Accounts
Unclaimed Property Division
Research and Correspondence section
P.O Box 12019
Austin, TX 78711-2011
What is a Form W-9 and where may I obtain the form?
A Form W-9 is a Certification of Taxpayer’s Tax Identification Number. An individual has a social security number whereas a company or other entity has an employer’s identification number. You may obtain a Form W-9 from area banking institutions,
the Internal Revenue Service Office, our
Website, or from our office.
Why does the Harris County District Clerk withhold a percentage of the minor’s interest if they do not have a Form W-9 on file?
A percentage of the interest is withheld in accordance with section 3406(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
When should I expect to receive a 1099- INT?
If reportable interest earned in the tax year is $10 or greater, 1099’s are mailed out on an annual basis on or before January 31st.
What are my payment options?
To pay online, go to and log in using your user name and password – if you do not have one, you may create one by clicking "New User" at the top of the page. If you have forgotten your password, click on "Forgot Password" to retrieve it.
To pay in person, go to the Civil Courthouse (1st floor), Room 110. 201 Caroline, Houston, Texas, 77002.
Mail Money Order or Bank Cashier’s Check to:
Marilyn Burgess, District Clerk
Attn: Billing, PO Box 4651
Houston, TX, 77210
Attn: Accounting Department
Payments made by mail must include cause number and the top portion of the invoice.
To whom should I make the payment payable?
No personal checks accepted. All other payments Cashier’s check and money orders should be made payable to: Marilyn Burgess, Harris County District Clerk.
Can I pay the bill over the phone?
Our office does not accept payments by phone. See "What are my payment options?" for more information.
I filed a Pauper’s Oath. Why did I receive a bill?
Please supply our office with a signed copy from the court stating the Pauper’s Oath was approved/granted. Otherwise, the costs are due to our office.
Why am I being billed?
Ultimately, you are being billed for court filings and activity that you filed or for costs that you were ordered responsible to pay by Court Order or Texas State Law.
Specific Case Types:
- PROTECTIVE ORDER: We show you have a court order against you for these costs.
- TRANSFER OF VENUE: The fees listed on your bill were costs associated with forwarding documents to the venue (County/Court) the case was transferred to. The fees are billed to the party who requested the documents and/or the transfer.
- SEVERANCE: The party that moved for the severance is billed the costs unless the Summary Judgment or Order of Severance states otherwise.
- PATERNITY: The bill is associated to court costs related to the Paternity case that was filed against you by the Attorney General’s Office. By order of the court (Judgment/Court Order), the judge noted that you were responsible for the court costs and our office has not received full payment to date.
What if I can’t afford to pay these costs?
These costs are ordered by the District Courts and set by Texas Law and non-payment of these fees by the due date may result in further penalties including 30% and subsequent legal action taken by the collection agency.
Why are you billing me now when this was due some time ago?
Our office is prioritizing the collection of due fees. Initial notice was given when the court order was signed or when service was completed – the current notice is to serve as a reminder of those fees. Per Texas Law,
we have partnered with a collection agency – this notice is to provide an opportunity to reconcile the amount due prior to going to collections and incurring further penalties.
Whom do I contact if I am having trouble with logging in or with making a payment?
You may contact our DCO Technicians by emailing (preferred method). Please provide details regarding the difficulties you are experiencing or you may also contact them directly at
832-927-5815 .
May I make payments in installments?
We recognize you may be unable to make a full payment at this time. At the least, we encourage that payment be made to lower the balance due which will decrease the amount of penalty incurred at the time it is deemed collectible.
Please note, this will not halt - collection activity on your outstanding balance.
Can I have more time to pay without incurring further penalties?
We are unable to extend the due date; however, we encourage that payment be made to lower the balance due which will decrease the amount of penalty incurred at the time it is deemed collectible.
Please note, this will not halt - collection activity on your outstanding balance.
What can I do if the person named on the bill is deceased?
Mail a copy of the death certificate:
Marilyn Burgess, District Clerk
PO Box 4651
Attn: Billing
Houston, TX 77210
Once received, we will notate the billing record and reference the document in the case file. If you have any other questions regarding the amount due, please contact your attorney.
Where do I file my pleadings if I am a Pro se filer?
Civil pleadings can be filed with Civil Intake on the first floor of the Civil Courthouse located at 201 Caroline Street. Civil Intake office hours are 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Pleadings filed after hours may also be filed via the drop box located on the outside of the Civil Courthouse.
Pleadings may also be filed electronically via
Can I speak with the Judge?
All hearings/appointments/correspondence with the Judge must be properly noticed with the court and with the opposing party(s). Please contact the court directly for their procedures on how to set a motion or a status conference for hearing.
How do I get my case (cause) set for trial?
Cases are typically set for trial automatically after an answer has been filed. If an answer has been filed and you have not yet been set for trial, please contact the Trial Coordinator for the court. Contact information for all of the court staff can be found at
When filing attorney vacation schedule, what months are considered summer designations and non-summer designations
June, July and August are summer designations. All other months (September-May) are non-summer designations. Any days at the beginning of June that fall in the last week of May are also non-summer days. This last week of May is counted fully as a week in May.
How do I get my vacation weeks changed?
For civil cases, please file a motion/order with the Ancillary Clerk either in person at 201 Caroline, 2nd Floor, Room 208 or by mail: Harris County District Clerk, PO Box 4651, Houston, TX 77210 Attn: Ancillary Clerk.
For Family cases, please file a motion/order in each court in which the attorney has been set for trial.
Where are the Civil Courts located?
The Civil Courts are located at 201 Caroline Street, Houston TX 77002. Please, see the online directory for specific court information, or stop by the information booth on the first floor of 201 Caroline Street.
How do I find out if someone has been served?
Please use the Search Records & Documents option located on our
website. Once you have searched the case by using the case number or by using the name search, select the service tab to obtain the served date, if it is available.
I need to have a subpoena/citation served. Who do I talk to?
I have money in the registry of the court, who do I contact in order to withdraw my funds?
I have a virtual hearing or there is a virtual hearing I would like to view. Where do I find the link to participate if I have not received one from the court?
Meeting information for all virtual hearings is published on the court’s website, Please visit the website and click on your court in order to access the meeting information.
I am not party to a case, can I view the case file?
Yes, all civil cases are public record unless they are sealed, filed as Sensitive Data or are deemed confidential for any reason. You can search for any case by going to our website and clicking on Online Services/ Search Our Records and Documents.
Can a filer have a document deleted if it was filed in error
We are unable to delete a document if it is file marked. If something is filed incorrectly, please contact the clerk of the court to have the issue resolved.
I forgot to pay the fee for my fee filing when it was originally filed (Jury fee, cross action, etc.) and it was accepted. Who do I contact in order to have the fee paid and the document entered?
Civil Intake handles all fee filings and will be able to assist you in this process. You can contact Civil Intake by emailing them at or by calling them at
832-927-5600. Civil Intake’s office hours are 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday.
I filed something in person or via mail. How long does it take to show up in the system?
It typically takes 1-2 business days once received for a document to be processed and imaged. If more than a few days have passed since the filing was received by the District Clerk and you do not see it online, please contact the clerk of the court for assistance.
Judge signed an order but I don’t see it yet. How long does it take for signed orders to appear on the website?
Typically orders can take 1-3 days before they are available online. If after a few days have passed and you do not see the order on the website, please contact the clerk of the court for assistance.
I am listed as co-counsel, but I am not receiving notice. How do I fix this?
We are only able to list one attorney of record per party. Therefore, notice will only be sent to the attorney listed as lead counsel. One of the services that may be helpful is our docket notification service.
You can utilize this service by signing in on the
Search Records and Documents webpage on the District Clerk’s website and selecting
the “Notifications” tab. This allows an attorney(s) to receive various types of notifications and docket alerts directly from our office by choosing the case numbers and specific notifications to receive.
I have been served and I need to file an answer. What do I do?
You are welcome to mail your answer in to 201 Caroline St. Houston, TX 77002, file in person at 201 Caroline St., or file electronically via
Is the District Clerk hiring?
Where do I file my pleadings if I am a Pro se filer?
Where do I file my pleadings if I am an attorney?
Attorneys are mandated to efile their documents at
Do you have computer terminals the public to use?
Yes. Public computers are located at 201 Caroline, Houston TX 77002 in Room #110 and Room #210.
Is there a number I can call to get a case (cause) number and case information?
Yes. You may obtain case information by calling
(832) 927-5800. Also, information is available when you register on
After registering, click on the drop down for ONLINE SERVICES/then select Search Our Records And Documents, enter the appropriate information needed to perform search.
Where can I obtain filing fee information?
Our fee schedule is located on Click on the dropdown for CIVIL/then select Civil Fee Schedules.
Can you tell me how to file my documents or provide me legal advice?
The District Clerk’s Office cannot dispense legal advice or carry forms to file a case (cause) in the Civil District Courts.
Where are bonds released?
Surety bonds are released at 201 Caroline, Houston, TX 77002, Room 110.
Cash bonds are released at 201 Caroline, Houston, TX 77002, Room 170.
Where do I get a copy of my court documents?
- Online at
- In person at 201 Caroline, Houston, TX 77002, Room 110 for Civil matters or Room 210 for Family matters
- In Person at the Records Center at 5900 Canal Street, Houston, TX 77011
If you have an uncontested Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs in this case, you are entitled to receive copies and other documents without
being charged under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 145. This website does not yet have the capability to provide you with free documents. To receive copies and other
documents without being charged, please contact the clerk at 832-927-5800 or or appear
at the clerk’s office.
How much is my balance?
You can check your Court Cost balance on the Payment Plan tab under your case details.
I am not able to make my payment on time, can I get an extension?
Yes, contact the Collections Department at
(832)927-5920 to speak to a Collection Clerk. Our clerk will update the arrangement for the payment.
Are you open on weekends?
No, however you can make a payment online towards your court fees on the Payment Plan tab under your case details.
Can I pay over the phone?
Can someone else pay for me?
Yes, as long as they provide your name and case number.
Can I pay with a credit card?
Yes, online or in person. If in-person, the cardholder must be present with a valid ID.
The court deferred adjudication of my guilt and placed me on probation and my probation has since been terminated. Is this record available to potential employers, etc?
Yes - the District Clerk will always have a record of the action taken on your case (cause), even in instances of deferred adjudication. Article 42.12, section 5 (f), Code of Criminal Procedure specifically
states that a record in the custody of the District Clerk regarding a case (cause) in which a person is granted deferred adjudication is not confidential.
How can I file for a Petition of Non-Disclosure of my deferred adjudication?
Unfortunately, our office is unable to provide legal advice regarding non-disclosure for deferred adjudication. The
Texas Judicial System's website provides
information and forms to non-disclosure for deferred adjudication.
Filing Fee: Beginning January 1, 2018, filing a Petition for Non-Disclosure of Deferred Adjudication is $350 for District and County Courts.
(521.242 Transportation Code and 133.154 Local Government Code).
Someone stole my identity and was arrested and convicted of a criminal offense. Is it possible to have my name removed from these records?
Yes - Article 55.01 (d), Code of Criminal Procedure explains your entitlement when an arrested person has falsely used your information during an arrest. Article 55.02, Code of Criminal Procedure explains the procedure for expunction of records. Refer to
District Attorney's Misidentification Victim information services. You should not consider this legal advice. You should contact an attorney to advise you of your legal rights.
Where do I go to file charges against someone who has committed a crime?
If you have been a victim of a criminal offense, you should contact the nearest local law enforcement agency to conduct the investigation and file the appropriate criminal charges through the District Attorney's Office.
I was a victim of a criminal offense. Where can I go to get information or assistance concerning the status or outcome of the case (cause)?
How do I expunge my criminal case (cause)?
Since we are unable to provide legal assistance, you should review the Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 55 relating to expunctions or seek counsel from a licensed attorney.
Is there a number I can call to get case (cause) information?
Customers with a specific case (cause) number may call
(713) 755-7812 to obtain summary information about that particular case (cause) at no charge. For criminal information select appropriate the option.
Where is Customer Service located?
The Criminal Customer Service Section is located at 1201 Franklin Street, Suite 3254, Houston, TX 77002, to assist walk-in customers during regular business hours with criminal record searches, certificates of record search and disposition, viewing of case (cause) files, obtaining copies of documents, and filing documents. The fee for a certificate of record search is $6.00. The fee to obtain copies of documents is $1.00 per page, whether certified or not.
Can I file after business hours?
The drop box we had at 201 Caroline, on the left side of the Civil Courthouse, has been moved to the first floor of the Criminal Justice Center.
Where can I get appeals information?
The Appeal Section is located at 201 Caroline, Suite 250 for the public, and at 5900 Canal for attorneys and court reporters. Personnel in this section will assist customers with questions concerning cases (causes) on appeal. This is also where attorneys of record check out and check in appellate records. The contact number is
(713) 755-7812.
Customers may also file appeal documents or request copies from appeal cases (causes) in this section.
Where can I file a Post Conviction Writ of Habeas Corpus?
The Appeal Section also processes Post Conviction Writ of Habeas Corpus. The application for a Post Conviction Writ of Habeas Corpus must be filed on the proper form, which the applicant may obtain online at the Court of Criminal Appeals.
How can I get my cash bond refunded?
Cash bond deposits are refunded to the depositor if the defendant has successfully complied with all conditions of the bond and the criminal case (cause) is concluded. There fund order is prepared and signed by the judge, then forwarded to the County Auditor's Office. When that process is complete, the County Treasurer will mail the refund check to the depositor at the address noted on the cash bond. Any change of address should be completed
prior to the conclusion of the criminal case (cause).
Where can I file for an occupational driver's license?
Petition for an occupational driver’s license may be filed in the in the Criminal Customer Service Section located at 1201 Franklin Street, Suite 3254, Houston, TX 77002. Filing Fee: Beginning January 1, 2018, filing an occupational driver’s license cost are $282.00 if filed in the County courts and $287.00 if filed in the District courts (521.242 Transportation Code and 133.154 Local Government Code).
Is there a number I can call for a name inquiry?
Customers with only a name and date of birth may call
(713) 755-7812 to obtain a criminal record search. A fee of $5.00 is charged for this service. An additional fee of $1.00 is charged for written confirmation or a certificate of the search. All major credit cards are accepted for this transaction.
Where can I obtain sex offender information?
How do I resolve check fraud/hot check problems?
Please refer to the Harris County
District Attorney's Office for assistance regarding your concern. If you would like more information regarding this topic, you may contact the Check Fraud Division by calling
How can I obtain information regarding inmates incarcerated in the Harris County Jail?
How does a government agency get copies of criminal records?
A government agency may obtain the most efficient service by faxing a request on the agency's official letterhead, to
(713) 368-3946. If not already displayed on your letterhead, please include a return mailing address
and contact person to address returned service. Also, please let us know if your needs require a mailed certified copy or whether a faxed copy is sufficient. You may also obtain this information through our Correspondence
Department by writing on your official letterhead to Criminal Correspondence Section, P.O. Box 4651, Houston, Texas 77210-4651, to the attention of Criminal Correspondence. In fulfilling all requests, please include the
defendant's name(s), case (cause) number(s) and item(s) you are want returned. ( (cause) #1234567 - Certified Copy of Judgment and Sentence).
Criminal Post Trial Services
Where can I get appeals information?
The Appeal Section is located at 1301 Franklin, Suite 100 for pending appeal cases, and at 5900 Canal for disposed appeal cases. Personnel in these sections will assist customers
with questions concerning cases (causes) on appeal. This is also where attorneys of record, check out and check in appellate records. The contact number is
(832) 927-5945
Where can I file a Post Conviction Writ of Habeas Corpus?
A Post Conviction Writ of Habeas Corpus (11.07 and 11.071) can be filed at 1301 Franklin, Suite 100 for all prose filers, all attorneys must E-file their applications.
The application for a Post Conviction Writ of Habeas Corpus must be filed on the proper form, which the applicant may obtain online at the
Court of Criminal Appeals.
How can I get my cash bond refunded?
Cash bond deposits are refunded to the depositor if the defendant has successfully complied with all conditions of the bond and the criminal case (cause) is concluded. There fund order is prepared and signed by the judge, then forwarded to the County Auditor's Office. When that process is complete, the County Treasurer will mail the refund check to the depositor at the address noted on the cash bond. Any change of address should be completed prior to the conclusion of the criminal case (cause).
Where is the Historical Document Room located?
The room is located at:
Harris County Civil Courthouse
201 Caroline, Suite 200
Houston, Texas 77002
What are the hours of operation for the Historical Document Room?
The room is open by appointment only. Please, call
(832) 927-5860 for appointments.
What type of records are available in the Historical Document Room?
Civil Judicial Court and Criminal Court records in the form of Indexes, court minutes, court executions, court fee dockets, court cost bills, accounting books, civil and criminal case (cause) files dating from 1837 to 1951,
declaration of intent, oaths of allegiance and Naturalization records ranging from 1837 to 1913.
Can you give me my case (cause) number for a criminal and/or civil historical record(s) prior to 1951?
This information can be obtained by using the “Search our Records” option on our homepage ( You will need the case (cause) number if available, the name(s)
of the parties involved, and date of birth (for criminal type cases only) to conduct a search. If further assistance is needed you may require an in-depth search of our record archives that may be obtained through our
“Purchase Copies” option found under the
Online Services tab on our homepage. This type of request does require a $5.00 fee.
Can I request certain pages of a historical document or do I have to purchase the entire case file?
You may request any and/or all pages of the historical document.
What type of payment is accepted?
How does a government or law enforcement agency get copies of a criminal and/or civil historical court document?
Government and law enforcement agencies may obtain copies of most court documents by using our
e-Gov online portal.
Any other questions that pertain to the Historical Documents dating from 1837—1925
may be e-mailed to the Historical
Documents Room.
Why is jury service important?
The United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution guarantee all people, regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, or economic status, the right to trial by an impartial jury. Justice ultimately depends to a large measure upon the quality of the jurors who serve in our courts.
What is my duty as a juror?
As a juror, you must be fair and impartial. Your actions and decisions must be free of any bias or prejudice. Your actions and decisions are the foundation of our judicial system.
How was I selected?
You were selected at random from the Harris County Voter Registration list and the Texas Department of Public Safety list of drivers or ID card holders living in Harris County.
Am I eligible?
Who can be excused from jury service?
What are the different types of cases (causes)?
Will I be paid for being a juror?
Jurors will receive $30 for the first day of service and $58 per day after the first day . Jurors serving more than one day of jury
service will be compensated at a rate calculated by the State Comptroller based upon available
state funding.
Must my employer pay me while I am on jury duty?
Your employer is not required to pay you while on jury duty; however, employers
are prohibited by law from firing an employee for serving as a juror.
Who can have a jury trial?
Any person charged with a criminal offense or any party to a civil case (cause)
has a right to a jury trial. All parties are equal before the law and each is entitled
to the same fair treatment.
Are there rules about jury conduct?
Yes. The Texas Supreme Court has rules to assist you in your conduct as a juror,
which will be given to you by the judge.
What items are prohibited in the courts?
All visitors to all Harris County Courts are subject to security screening by Harris County Constable Precinct 1. Click
here for a list of all prohibited items.
How is a juror selected for a particular case (cause)?
Cases (Causes) will usually be heard by juries of 6 or 12. The larger group, called
a panel, will be sent to the trial court (courtroom) where the jurors will be questioned
under the supervision of the judge. A juror may be excused from the panel if it
is shown that the juror cannot act impartially concerning the case (cause) to be
heard. In addition, each side is allowed to remove a given number of jurors from
the panel without having to show any reason. The trial jury will be the first 6
or 12 of the remaining persons on the panel.
What is voir dire or questioning of the jury panel?
It is a way for the parties to select a fair and impartial jury. Under the justice
system, you may be questioned by each of the lawyers before they decide to remove
a certain number of persons from the jury panel.
For example, the lawyer may ask you questions to see if you are connected to the
trial or if you have any prejudice or bias toward anyone in the trial. These questions
are not intended to embarrass you, but rather to help the lawyers in the jury selection
process. You may ask the judge to allow you to answer some questions away from the
other persons on the panel.
What if I have a special need or emergency?
After you have been selected as a juror on a trial panel, if you have a special
need or an emergency, tell the bailiff.
What if I received a summons for a deceased person?
Please write the word “Deceased” on the summons and mail or fax it back. You must mail the summons to: Marilyn Burgess, District Clerk (Jury Assembly Room) 1201 Congress St. Houston TX 77002. If you fax it, send it to:
(832) 927-0132.
What if I have health issues that would prevent me from serving?
You may claim a medical exemption if you have a severe physical or mental condition that makes it impossible for you to serve as a juror, even with reasonable accommodation.
To claim a medical exemption, you must present a copy of this form signed by a physician.
Previewing and Purchasing Documents
The document I’m trying to unzip is password protected, How do I open it?
In order to secure our documents, we password-protect all files. The password to unlock your documents is the same password you use to sign-on to If you have changed your
password and it has been a few days since you have downloaded the document, then the password will be the same password you used to log in to our website ( the same day you downloaded the document.
NOTE: If you enter the wrong password, some ZIP programs will not allow you to re-enter a password unless you close the ZIP program and re-open it. If you are still having problems, please contact us by calling
(832) 927-5815
or sending an email to:
The document I downloaded will not open.
Please be advised that in order to open up the PDF file that you downloaded, you will need to install Acrobat PDF reader. You can get this program by going to the Adobe website and downloading it at
Do I have to use a credit card to download a document from the District Clerk’s website?
Yes. Our website only accepts credit cards when you are requesting a document online.
Is there anyway I can get my document faxed or mailed to me?
You may choose mail, fax (local numbers only), email, or the download method for delivery of purchased documents.
I am trying to preview the document before I order it, how do I do this?
After searching for a document, our website will allow you to preview any listed document by clicking on the image number link.
I was told I need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view my documents. What is Adobe Acrobat Reader and how do I acquire this program?
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program that allows users to view and print documents in a widely supported document format. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free at
I was told I need a ZIP compression/de-compression program to view my documents. What is a ZIP compression/de-compression program, and how do I acquire one of these programs?
In order to serve our customers in a fast and efficient manner, our documents are compressed into a .zip format to allow for quicker download times. In order to uncompress these files, you will need a ZIP compression/de-compression program.
There are several ZIP compression/de-compression programs available for download at sites such as: Many of these programs are free. Please visit the site listed above or use a search engine to locate a copy of a
compression/de-compression program that supports .zip format.
I am using Internet Explorer and I am trying to preview a document and nothing is displayed. Is there something wrong?
First, make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. If you do, there might be a problem with the browser installation. To obtain technical support from Microsoft, go to:
I purchased a document and received it in a .zip format. When I open the .zip file, I am prompted for a password. What password is it asking for?
In order to secure our documents, we password-protect all files. To unlock these files, use the password you use to log in to our website.
NOTE: If you enter the wrong password, some ZIP programs will not allow you to re-enter a password unless you close the ZIP program and re-open it.
I tried to search for Family and Criminal documents but the search came back with nothing, what is wrong?
Family documents are only available to the parties in a given lawsuit at this time.
What are your hours of operation?
Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
What does the Texas Attorney General do?
The Texas Attorney General establishes and enforces child support orders on behalf of the State of Texas. In most cases, the Attorney General is involved in cases where a person has received some form of public assistance, such as AFDC, TANF or Medicaid. The A.G. may use administrative collection methods such as writs of withholding and IRS intercepts, and may also review and adjust child support orders to comply with the Texas Family Code guidelines. The A.G. does not represent individuals. When a person applies with the Attorney General for assistance, they must assign their child support rights to them.
Where can I find my case number?
Case/Cause numbers can be found on the paperwork you were given/served, by registering online on the District Clerk’s website (,
or by calling our customer service section at:
(832) 927-5800.
What time is docket call?
Docket call may vary by court, check with the court you have been assigned for the docket call time. (Note: Customers can also check in with staff from the Office of the Attorney General in the lobby of the Family Law Center building). Customers can also register on our website at and click on the
“Search our Records and Documents” icon. The search can be done by parties names or the case number.
How can I reset (reschedule) a court hearing date?
In order to reschedule a court date, you must appear on the date of your hearing. Court staff is unable to reschedule any hearing date prior to the date assigned.
Where do I pay for child support?
The mailing address for the Child Support Disbursement Unit is: Office of the Texas Attorney General / Child Support Disbursement Unit P.O. Box 659791, San Antonio, TX 78265-9791. There is a child support payment
kiosk located on the first floor of the Civil Courthouse at 201 Caroline St. Houston TX 77002. There is another child support payment kiosk in the basement of the Family Law Center, located at 1115 Congress St. Houston TX 77002.
You can also make payments online on the
Child Support Interactive Portal on the website for the Office of the Texas Attorney General.
Where do I get copies of orders?
You can get copies of orders by calling
(832) 927-5700 or from our Family Intake section, located on the second floor of the Civil Courthouse at 201 Caroline St. Houston TX 77002.
If you have an uncontested Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs in this case, you are entitled to receive copies and other documents without
being charged under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 145. This website does not yet have the capability to provide you with free documents. To receive copies and other
documents without being charged, please contact the clerk at 832-927-5800 or or appear
at the clerk’s office.
Where can I get a print out of child support payments?
To receive information regarding the last payment or to obtain a copy of your payment history, contact the State Disbursement Unit at
1-800-252-8014. You may also visit the
for the Office of the Texas Attorney General to inquire about the same or visit one of their locations. If you are inquiring on a case prior to 2004, complete the payment history request form located on our
website at Then, send it by it to P.O. Box 4651, Houston, TX 77210, fax it to
(832) 927-0135, or email it
How do I search for records / What additional features do I have with a login?
For an outline of website features for the Public, please
click here.
For an outline of website features for Attorneys, please
click here.
My Password isn't working.
Passwords are case sensitive; make sure the caps lock is off on your keyboard. If you are still unable to sign-on to the website, please contact us by calling
(832) 927-5815 or sending an email to:
I’m getting error message – Error on page.
Please check the version of your browser. Our site works best with versions of Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher, Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and higher, Opera 9.0 and higher or Apple Safari 2.0 and higher.
If you are using one of these browsers and is still getting the same error message, please contact us by calling
(832) 927-5815 or sending an email to:
I cannot access the website through my username and password.
Our website is best viewed with Internet Explorer at 1024 by 768 resolution. We recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and Chrome. If you are using AOL, we recommend that you minimize your browser
and open up Internet Explorer to enter the site. If you are still having problems, please contact us by calling
(832) 927-5815 or sending an email to:
Am I automatically logged out of the system after a period of inactivity?
Yes. For security reasons, after 30 minutes of inactivity, your session will expire and you will be returned to the homepage.
I tried to navigate to a page in this website and was sent back to the home page. I was already logged in so why I am being asked to log in again?
For security reasons, after 30 minutes of inactivity, your session will expire and you will be returned to the log in page.
Will my login account ever be deactivated?
Accounts that have not been used in over six months and have never placed an order will be removed from the system.