March 27, 2025 [Z2A]
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Civil/Family Post Trial

Civil/Family Post Trial prepares the clerk’s record for Civil and Family appellate cases (causes),processes abstracts and executions, cost statements, expunctions, outgoing transfer of venue cases(causes), and approves supersedeas bonds.

According to The Supreme Court of Texas, an order was signed adopting Texas Rule of Civil Procedure21c and Amendments to Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 4, 21, 21a, and 502.1, Texas Rules of AppellateProcedure 6 and 9, and the Supreme court Order Directing the Form of the Appellate Record in CivilCases to be effective January 1, 2014 for Harris County. This order mandates electronic filing inall Civil Courts and restricts us from accepting paper filing from any filer other than Pro Se filers.Please, click on the following link to learn more about electronic filing We will also be unable to accept any other type of electronic filing other than through which include any type of Fax Filing.

Appellate Cases (Causes)

Civil and Family appellate cases (causes) are heard by either the First Court of Appeals or the Fourteenth Court of Appeals. Upon receipt of the Notice to Appeal and the fee for the clerk’s record,which is $1.00 per page, the clerk’s record (the documents submitted to the appropriate appellate court)is prepared and forwarded to the assigned appellate court. All Appellate filing must follow Supreme Courtmandate as of January 1, 2014 and file electronically through

Abstracts and Executions

Upon Request for Abstract of Judgment (please print this document and then efile as mandated by the Supreme Court) and pay a fee of $8 each,an abstract will be prepared by the District Clerk and returned to the requesting party for filing inthe Real Property Records, of the County Clerk’s office.Upon Request for Civil-Family Post Trial Writ and a fee of $8, a writ will be prepared by the District Clerk, again, this must be requested and paid forelectronically through The writ will be returned to the requesting party, whom will coordinate with the Constable’s Officefor execution. Only one execution may be outstanding on any case (cause) at any time.

Cost Statements

Upon electronic request, a cost statement may be prepared by the District Clerk,which identifies the recoverable costs in a civil suit. Fee for this request is $15.00.


A petition for expunction should be filed electronically with the District Clerk at Fees for filing an expunction are $350.00. There are also additional fees for notice of the hearing and the final expunction order on each agency listed in your petition. Because some agencies receive electronic notification, you can contact our office at 832-927-5800 to obtain your total filing fee costs.

Electronic Expunction Notifications
Harris County District Attorney's Office
Harris County Grand Jury
Houston Police Department
Houston City Jail
City of Houston
Clerk of Municipal Court
Harris County Sherriff's Department
Harris County Jail
Harris County Sherriff's Office
Texas Department of Public Safety
Texas Crime Information Center
Marilyn Burgess, Harris County District Clerk's Office
Harris County Clerk
All Criminal Courts
All Civil Courts
Harris County Attorney's Office
Harris County Pre-Trial Services
Harris County Office of Court Services
Adult Probation
Community Supervision and Corrections
Justice Information Management Systems
Southeast Texas Crime Information Center (SETCIC)

Supersedeas Bonds

A supersedeas bond may be filed with the Civil/Family Post Trial department.Bonds amounts should be calculated according to the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure.

Payment Information

Please review our Payment Options.